The Beachcomber Course

Oxford Snorkellers 6th – 7th July Kimmeridge, Dorset

The idea was to make the day at Kimmeridge a family day out, so that all of the people attending, especially those not snorkelling, were involved. The tide was out around midday and armed with the beachcomber packs, identification books and nets we headed in to the rockpools and shallow water around The Flats. Immediately there were squeals of ‘come and look at this’, ‘come and take a photo’. Very quickly we spotted small wrasse, dragonets, shrimps, limpets (which were boring, apparently) and tiny crabs.

 Kimmeridge 002

Everyone was fansinated by the Beadlet anemones and snakelocks anemones and found it highly amusing that half of us couldn’t say the word ‘anemone’ properly.

Beadlet anenome
Beadlet anenome
Snakelocks anenome
Snakelocks anenome

It might be worth dropping the word ‘Kidz’ from the beachcomber course because long after the kids had wandered off for lunch a group of the adults could still be seen crouching over some form of sealife or other.

*Disclaimer….yes, all sea creatures were put back where they were found and no one touched anything they shouldn’t have.*

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