Ocean Diver Course

Ocean Diver Course

Looking to learn to scuba dive in Oxford?

If you’ve always wanted to learn how to dive, this course is for you. This course is for beginners and provides the essential knowledge and skills needed to prepare for open water diving.

The BSAC Ocean Diver course prepares for this in the safety of a swimming pool or sheltered water and an introduction to open water in a controlled, safe manner. Experience and confidence will be gained under the guidance of a qualified instructor. Maximum depth – 20m.


To enrol on the BSAC Ocean Diver Course you must be 12 years or older. In our club we generally do not train anyone under the age of 14 (and only when we are satisfied they are mature enough).

A basic level of comfort in the water is important and you will have to demonstrate that you can swim 200m in swimwear.

What you’ll learn

The BSAC Ocean Diver course has three main stages:

  1. Lessons and theory assessment on the basic principles of scuba diving
  2. Five confined water dives to learn the basics in the water (usually in a swimming pool)
  3. Five open water dives to further develop your scuba diving skills

The fun bit

Will hopefully be from start to finish! Learning to dive is a life changing experience for many people. Breathing underwater for the first time is something you will never forget and the experience of learning with others is great fun. Your instructor is trained to look after you every step of the way.

Qualification and what that means

A BSAC Ocean Diver is defined as a diver who is competent to conduct dives:

  • to a maximum depth of 20m.
  • with another BSAC Ocean Diver or with a BSAC Sports Diver, within the restrictions of the conditions already encountered during training.
  • with a Dive Leader or higher grade, to expand experience beyond the conditions encountered during training, under the supervision of a Dive Manager.
  • not requiring mandatory decompression stops.
  • under the on-site supervision of a Dive Manager with respect to site selection, conditions and dive plan.

ocean-diver-packLearning materials

You will be given a pack as part of your course which includes all the learning materials you need for the BSAC Ocean Diver course. The pack includes: The Diving Manual, BSAC Qualification Record Book, Qualification Card application and an A5 binder with your Student Diver Notes.

Required gear

Swimwear and towel.

Recommended gear

Although the diving equipment is provided, Ocean Diver trainees may wish to buy their own mask and snorkel. You may also wish to use a pool suit for added comfort during the pool lessons.

Eager to start?contact us now

If you’ve always wanted to learn how to dive, this course is for you. This course is for beginners and provides the essential knowledge and skills needed to prepare for open water diving.

The BSAC Ocean Diver course prepares for this in the safety of a swimming pool or sheltered water and an introduction to open water in a controlled, safe manner. Experience and confidence will be gained under the guidance of a qualified instructor. Maximum depth – 20m.

To enrol on the BSAC Ocean Diver Course you must be 12 years or older.
A basic level of comfort in the water is important and you will have to demonstrate that you can swim 200m in swimwear.

What you’ll learn
The BSAC Ocean Diver course has three main stages:
1. Lessons and theory assessment on the basic principles of scuba diving
2. Five confined water dives to learn the basics in the water (usually in a swimming pool)
3. Five open water dives to further develop your scuba diving skills

The fun bit
Will hopefully be from start to finish! Learning to dive is a life changing experience for many people. Breathing underwater for the first time is something you will never forget and the experience of learning with others is great fun. Your instructor is trained to look after you every step of the way.

Qualification and what that means
A BSAC Ocean Diver is defined as a diver who is competent to conduct dives:

• to a maximum depth of 20m.
• with another BSAC Ocean Diver or with a BSAC Sports Diver, within the restrictions of the conditions already encountered during training.
• with a Dive Leader or higher grade, to expand experience beyond the conditions encountered during training, under the supervision of a Dive Manager.
• not requiring mandatory decompression stops.
• under the on-site supervision of a Dive Manager with respect to site selection, conditions and dive plan.

TP1 Ocean Diver Training PackLearning materials
You will be given a pack as part of your course which includes all the learning materials you need for the BSAC Ocean Diver course. The pack includes: The Diving Manual, BSAC Qualification Record Book, Qualification Card application and an A5 binder with your Student Diver Notes.

Required gear
Swimwear and towel.

Recommended gear
Although the diving equipment is provided, Ocean Diver trainees may wish to buy their own mask and snorkel. You may also wish to use a pool suit for added comfort during the pool lessons.