Our Clubhouse


Oxford BSAC Clubhouse is situated in the grounds of Hinksey Park, just off the Abingdon Road in Oxford. As you head towards Oxford city centre, Lake Street is on your left opposite the entrance to the Four Pillars Hotel. We occupy part of what used to be the main changing rooms for Hinksey Open Air Swimming Pools with access from the Lake Street side.

There is limited parking opposite the Clubhouse which is accessible from the end of Lake Street, turn right between the Community Centre and the Health Centre, go through the gates and turn right again.

Our full address is:


N.B. We are in Hinksey Park, not on Lake Street itself.

Heart of the Branch

Members relaxing

Our Clubhouse is the heart of the branch, it is open at least twice a week, not only for lectures, but also for equipment issue and most of all socialising with other members.

Situated in Hinksey Park (in the old changing rooms for the outdoor pool) stands our clubhouse. We share the building with Lake Street Playgroup, although not the same rooms (our toys are a bit advanced for toddlers!).

We are lucky to have a fantastic space in which to meet, plan, teach and socialise. The clubhouse boasts:

  • lots of comfortable seating
  • a bar
  • a compressor room
  • kit storage
  • a classroom with projector
  • toilets (with shower)
Lesson in ‘Mick’s Cabin’

We also have a library of books about diving and related matters, built up over the years. Adorning the walls there are numerous ‘trophies’ from diving trips of the past, stories which have made the papers, photos from memorable trips and helpful tools for planning future dives.

The clubhouse is also the place to sign up for future dives – lists go up regularly and members get places on a first-come first-served basis.

Long-term members attest to the difference it makes having a quality fixed base from which to operate the club – we haven’t always had it this good, often faced with meeting in pubs and lugging gear around from house-to-house.

This is just one of the many benefits of joining our club.