Funding Meeting 29th June 2011

Oxford BSAC Clubhouse, Lake Street, Oxford. 8.20 -10.20pm

In Attendance

Kat Hardman, Robbie Gray, Peter Kruip, Ian Banton, Phil Stubbs, Mark Martin, Andy Pickering, Mike Smith, Kathy Fletcher, Nick Allsworth, Brian Hallett, Gill Hallett, Jeannette Allsworth, Paul Garner, Steven Litchfield, Steve Johns, Anne Billington, Courtney Boutwell, Stuart Allen, Andy White, Brian Edwards, Andy Garner, Alex Gibson, Loli Smith, John Waterhouse, Gill Waterhouse.

Apologies for absence

Chris and Kerry Stevens, Paul Minto, Vicky Inglis, Henry Standing, Gill Standing, Fiona Johns and Debbie White.

The Meeting was Chaired by A.White who gave a welcome and brief talk on why the meeting had been called. He asked the members in attendance to be open and frank about how they see the branch now and how they wish to see it run in the future.

It was explained that due to the loss of income from the council the branches finances would need to be topped up to keep the branch running as it currently does, with the biggest expenditure being the rent for the clubhouse and the mooring of a hard boat at Weymouth.

First to be discussed was

Grant Funding

  • What is it?
  • Where can it be obtained?
  • What do we need to purchase?
  • How do we get it?

It was agreed that a team of 3 members be set up as a core Grant Funding committee to look at the above then to work with the relevant people involved in how the grant can be achieved.

It was also agreed that this sub-committee report every month to the committee as to what is in progress and if any grant applications have been successful.

Income Funding

  • What do we see as income funding?

This is where income can be obtained by holding events, creating sales, collections and games income at shows, events or room hire etc

A team will be set up to actively look for events where Oxford BSAC should exhibit. These would include events such as the Dragon Boat race, Fetes, shows and exhibits.

They would promote the club in a positive active way offering our services if it is of benefit to the club, or the community either financially or by member intake.

They may consider what merchandise they could offer to sell at such events in order to raise funds, clothing, postcards and maybe even look at creating a 2012 calendar?

Bar and Social

This could be split into two teams

We are lucky to have our own clubhouse but it does cost. We should try to make more use of this asset by offering it to be used not only on club nights but on additional evenings however this would put the bar staff under pressure.

A bar team needs to be created who would work a roster and cover any additional events such as speakers nights SDCs etc. As the Bar is first point of contact – the reception of the club – it is important that all of the team understand and ensure the rules of the branch and codes of conduct are not broken.

We need to consider if we can get other sports groups or clubs to make use of the clubhouse, again it puts the bar team under pressure to work but it will increase the income into the branch.

The Social side of this team could look at ways in which we can attract non members to join in some of the events and hopefully get them to join as non diving members.

The events that come to mind are

  • club quiz nights
  • trips away where its not diving but of interest to friends and family

we need to get the club active where people want to come and join in the fun,

  • maybe organise a raft race day in Hinksey lakes followed by a BBQ loads of easy to run events where we would attract new members and generate an income.
  • Inter branch bowling evening?

The more we are able to interact with people the more tick boxes are filled when the teams for grant funding apply for money.


It was agreed that the Bar and the Social side should be run as two sub committees.

In each sub-committee there was at least one general committee member who would report back to the main committee a report of what the group had been doing and what plans the group had in the future.

The price of the pool came into question, firstly the rate we currently get charged: can this be reduced and secondly were we charging non members who join us to dive train in the pool an acceptable fee?

Courtney was asked to talk to the Pool to see if a reduction in cost can be achieved, and the committee will discuss the correct levy to charge non member divers.

It was suggested that it if possible could the branch run Holiday clubs for Juniors, the same type of thing schools do with activity weeks or football training, again more information is required but the meeting liked the idea.

With the clubhouse vacant most of the week the meeting discussed ways in which we could attract other clubs to use our facilities, such as angling clubs, hire for childrens parties etc.

All were in favour.

So the following sub committees have been formed:

Bar Staff

  • Gill Hallett ( committee)
  • Jeanette Allsworth
  • Courtney Boutwell

there objectives to ensure cover is made during any event at the clubhouse (if the Bar is needed).

Ensure that the products for sale are at a value where an acceptable profit can be made.

To liaise and work with any of the other sub- committees at events in or outside the clubhouse, such as the firework night or at a BBQ etc.


  • Kathy Fletcher ( committee)
  • Loli Smith
  • Jeanette Allsworth
  • Robbie Gray
  • Peter Kruip
  • Kat Hardman
  • Courtney Boutwell

Their objectives are to promote the club, look for events, activities and interests that will either get the club noticed, have or create fun in the club work with other branches to promote the sport BSAC and primary the branch.

It was agreed that these activities can be run with no financial gain but if of benefit to the branch they should be encouraged.

Fundraising Group

  • Kathy Fletcher
  • Alex Gibson
  • Stuart Allen
  • Andy Gardner
  • Anthony Hayes

To work with the entire above, but to actively search for new ideas where small funding can come from. It may be possible to provide safety cover at events such as the Dragon Boat Race where a stall could attract new members; it may be that school fetes or events like the recent Oxford Mail Car show would be worth attending with a stall, again publicity for the branch and a small income would be very welcome.

Grant Funding

  • Mike Smith
  • 2 More required?

These will be a specialist group looking into all avenues of grant funding, sponsorship and gift donations.

They will be given the task to keep trying for larger amounts of money to invest into the branch for equipment upgrades, safety equipment and money to train some of our members.


Thank you to all who attended and to those who responded with some good ideas, these will be taken on board and used accordingly.

Thanks to all who have offered to assist in the sub- committee positions your help is gratefully received.

  • Questions were raised as to why the turn out for the meeting was low, I cannot answer that.
  • Questions also asked about why some of the members who used to join us at the bar are no longer coming, afraid I can’t answer that either.
  • Please come along to the clubhouse anytime you will be very welcome.

The Newsletter will now be reintroduced and we hope this will keep you up to date of what events, diving and speakers we have booked from week to week.

Lastly the whole point of bringing this meeting together is that we have a real need for your help.

We need your expertise and assistance, we need your input, we need this to make the branch a success where it is financial stable and a great place to have a beer with friends.

If you have any suggestions/input please approach the most appropriate-sounding person mentioned above in the club, or leave a comment below.