Records & Membership Officer

Carole Thomas

Branch member since  2010(?)

Primary Tasks

  • to receive and distribute Membership Renewal forms from BSAC to members of the branch
  • to receive and process completed forms and forward them to Headquarters
  • to receive and forward any monies to the Branch Treasurer
  • to maintain records of membership of the Branch and the National Organisation
  • to act as primary contact for the Branch with Headquarters
  • to report on the state of the membership to the Committee
  • to maintain a record of all Branch Dives
  • to store copies of training records and qualifications supplied by Branch members.

Accountabilities and Working Relationships

  • Appointed from nominations (and election if contested) by the full diving membership at the AGM.
  • If the Records and Membership Officer is not appointed then the membership role defaults to the Treasurer and the records role defaults to the Secretary.
  • Must work in cooperation with the Diving Officer, Projects/Expedition Officers, Training Officers and Dive Managers.
  • Must work in cooperation with the Treasurer for financial aspect relating to equipment.
  • Must work in cooperation with the General Committee.
  • Reports to the Annual General Meeting on all matters which fall within their responsibilities.