First Class Diver Course


Want to achieve the highest BSAC diver grade?

BSAC’s highest diving grade requires a higher than average level of theoretical knowledge, organisational and personal diving skills. First Class Diver is a very challenging award to achieve. Since 1953 when the BSAC first formed, only 926* people have qualified as First Class Divers. (* as of 10 May 2010).

BSAC First Class Divers are assessed through nationally conducted examinations.


You must have completed 100 dives in a range of conditions since qualifying as an Advanced Diver, at least 20 of which must show experience of diving to depths greater than 30m. You must also have:

  • attended a BSAC Chartwork and Position Fixing course (or equivalent).
  • attained the BSAC Diver Rescue specialist qualification.
  • gained the BSAC Diver Coxwain qualification (or equivalent).

Qualification and what that means

The First Class Diver Exam is conducted at a national level and consists of three separate modules that can be taken in any order. More information on the First Class Diver syllabus and how to achieve it.

  • Theory Knowledge Examination
  • Expedition Plan
  • Practical Diving Assessment (2 Days)
  • A BSAC First Class Diver is defined as a diver who has:
  • a high level of practical diving skills and knowledge beyond that of BSAC Advanced Diver
  • the ability to organise groups of divers and lead major diving expeditions to achieve specific aims or objectives
  • the ability and knowledge to contribute to BSAC developments at a branch, regional and national level

How to do this course

A key first step is to register an interest online with BSAC. This enables the First Class Diver Chief Examiner to offer you both generic guidance and by the information you provide some more specific advice on how to prepare for the exam. By knowing who is working towards First Class Diver also helps us keep you posted of any relevant information.