How much does diving cost?

While diving can rarely be called a cheap sport, being a non-profit making organisation we try to keep the costs to a minimum. There are certainly savings to be made by learning and diving with the club compared with commercial operators. There are also multiple other benefits of joining the club.

Membership Fees

Boat Fees (to dive on the club boat)

  • Minimum/typically £25 per day (depending on distance travelled). The aim is for everyone to get two dives.

Charter Boat Fees

  • £40 – £60 per day (in the UK). Usually for two dives.

Inland Dive Site Entry Fees

  • £10 – £20 per day. For as many dives as you can manage (usually two).

Equipment Hire (free for unqualified diver’s pool training)

  • £1 to £10 per item per day.

Pool entry fees (higher for non-members)

  • Adults £2.50 (or £4.50) per one-hour session, Children £1 (or £2).

Air fills (free for pool training)