Why Should You Join Our Club?

smiling divers on our club boatApart from the all the membership benefits of a BSAC scuba diving club, there are lots of good reasons to join Oxford BSAC (aka Oxford Scuba Diving Club). Here are just a few:

  • Complete sets of kit: we give novices a chance to train and try the sport without having to spend on equipment.
  • We own an excellent hard dive boat for charter boat-style club-run diving and snorkelling.
  • Our clubhouse: the focal point of the club and open for socialising, lectures and more at least twice a week.
  • Our compressor provides cheap air fills for club members.
  • We have a vibrant membership which spans the generations, and all walks of life.
  • We dive all year round, so whenever you want to dive you should be able to.
  • Friendly, vibrant club.

Come and see for yourself – contact us now