Isle of Man 2009

Interim report

10 divers and one non-diver (Gill – ‘I’ll never go diving’) set out in very wet weather for the far off shores of the Isle of Man. A long drive followed by 3 hours of ferry journey set us all up for a good sleep. We were staying in the flat above Discover Diving’s shop (disguised as a family butchers….!). There was a warm welcome from Michelle and Steve, the proprietors and skippers of the boat we’d chartered – ‘Endeavour’.

First day dawned early and we all piled down to the quayside (about 1 minutes drive away). Steve (the skipper) was there to meet us and seemed a quite amused at our attempts to organise a chain to load cylinders and kit onto the boat. First dive was down at the far southern tip of the island at a site known as the Burroo – a set of pinnacles and gullies sloping dwon from about 15m to well below 30. This was a really pretty site – very nice display of pretty much every type of anemone you’d expect to see in the UK, a mixture of dhalia, plumose and jewel types in a really riotous array of colors. Vis was pretty spectacular too – at least 15m,

Endeavour really works well as a dive boat, everyone had a bench space to kit up from and we all entered the water at pretty much the same time from the lift platform at the rear.