Alex Expeditions Summary

A summary of the results from various expeditions, and links to some resources.

July 09 Expedition

15m visibility and a new map – We found the rudder !

September 08 Expedition results now in

Finally after all the rubbish weather of what seems more and more typical of the UK diving season we had a good weekend and got out on the sea with a sidescan and a load of great divers to really sort out once and for all the layout of the wreck. Read the September Expedition report.

Mid June ’08

After two dives on the wreck things’re beginning to take shape and we have begun to identify some key features of the ship for later surveys. Click here for a few previews of the Alex today.

Early June ’08

After a long overhaul our hardboat Gemini II is now back ion action and on our first weekend out we’ve managed to get a dive on the Alex. The old wreck is still where we left her last year and vis was pretty good. A preliminary swimover sketch was constructed and this will be up on the website shortly. A very crude photographic survey was conducted over the rather damaged rear section of the wreck. We’re planning to return to the wreck later in June to improve both the swimover plan and the photographic survey after which we’ll be putting more information on the website for those interested in diving the site.

Crude sketch plan of the wreck


April ’08

We’ve now got hold of copies of several of the key documents from CMB’s archives covering the ship’s layout, the captain’s report on the sinking and other documents relating to the sinking.

CMB record page CMB side plan coloured

(click images for larger versions and more resources)


As of December 2007 we are very pleased to report that we are now the official adopters of the wreck via the Nautical Archaeology Scoiety Scheme. For more information on this scheme please see the NAS adopt a wreck site.
