Fundraising for a New Boat

For the club to look forward and purchase a NEW Hard Boat, and the stable platform for us to enjoy the sport in which we love.

fundraising thermometer

There are many different ways we can raise funds, these include; Quiz Nights, Raffles, etc.  These are easy ways to raise the money that is needed. Unfortunately they bring in small amounts over a period of time. If the club wishes to purchase a new boat sooner, we have to have a lot more urgency about the way we raise the money.

Option One – Donations
This is a simple as it states. If there are any members that wish to donate any monies towards the boat fund, the club and its members would be grateful. A donation doesn’t have to be £5000 (that would be nice though). It can be any amount that you would feel happy contributing to the club, this could be £5 or £500.

Option Two – Interest Free Loan
Interest Free Loans are not easy to locate, even from a bank. But to ask a member for a loan, is a tall order. Any loan would be repaid from the capital raised when the new boat is used. Ideally the boat would be used every other week, and this would mean the club could slowly pay back the loan over a longer period of time.

If you would like to discuss these further, please see a member of the committee