Dive OXON 2010

Dive OXON is a multi club diving event.

This year the Oxford branch took along there brand new drive boat ISIS.

The plan for the Oxford branch was to dive using three (yes 3) dive boats.

These were ISIS, Gemini and a charter boat for the more experienced divers. Most of us were staying on a campsite at East Fleet Farm.

Day One.

For the ISIS team we were based at Kimmeridge diving in and around the bay. From the bay Ocean diver training was taking place. We were able to dive the Black Hawk using ISIS. On one of the trips out to the Black Hawk we were able to meet up with our sister ship Gemini.

The Gemini Team were based from Weymouth spending the day out at sea.

In the evening back at the campsite we all shared a barbecue.

Day Two.

The ISIS team had a change of Diving location to Swanage.