Lyme Regis 2010

This expedition to Lyme Regis was organised by John Waterhouse.

We were staying in a large house at Axminster and had both the club boats ISIS and Gemini to dive from. There were plans to also do some snorkeling, but this did not occur.

Wednesday. Gemini was taken from her mooring in Weymouth, past the Bill and secured at Lyme harbour.

Day One. After loading up Gemini we went to our first dive location “East Tenants”. This was a drift dive finding Scallops. The next dive location was at the wreck of the “Baygitano” which is a large wreck with huge boilers.

Day Two. We tried a new drift dive location in the morning and in the afternoon we returned to the Baygitano.

Day Three. We were doing a drift dive in the morning at the “Sawtooth Ledges” collect Scallops. In the afternoon we dived a new wreck location.

Day Four. We decided to have a rest from dive and recover.

Day Five. Disaster strikes. While we were heading out of the harbour Gemini broke down and we were unable to re-start the engine. After being towed back into port boat investigations were made.

Day Six. Boat repairs all day and by late afternoon we were able to start the engine on Gemini without issue.

Day Seven. We dived the wreck of the Baygitano.

Day Eight. No diving as the weather had turned.