Pagham Snorkelling 26.6.11

Trip Report: Oxford BSAC snorkeling joined together with Dorking Snorkeling Club for a day on Pagham beach on 26th June 2011.

The first snorkel dive was around the groynes where amongst the rocks and seaweed we caught sight of crabs, flat fish and sea scorpions.

After lunch, Naiad, our RIB, dropped us off on The Mulberry, a reinforced concrete harbour, built as a temporary harbour during World War II. This particular harbour never made it to France and now serves as an artificial reef covered with white and orange dead mens fingers and various anemones.

On this particular day the visibility was only about 2 metres so the numerous fish that inhabit The Mulberry were difficult to spot, however, surface diving down and watching the sunlight streaming through the cracks in the concrete hitting the crashing, bubbling water made up for the lack of fish.

Our thanks go to Graham and the other members of Dorking Snorkeling Club who not only shared their knowledge and expertise of the area and its tides, but who together with their professional outlook and friendly manner made it a great day for us.