Valentine Tanks

I was invited on a dive from Swanage to dive the Valentine tanks, these were part of the D-Day landing vehicles. There is plenty of info on the net regarding these tanks. We left the pier and headed round and were soon on the shot.

My buddy and I were first on the wreck of the tank that the shot was tied to, we had a good look over it before heading to the second tank, also conveniently found by use of another line which leads you through a cloud of fish towards the turret lying on the sea bed with the rest of the wreck very close by.

After a good look around, we found a light blue conger eel under one side of the second tank. I located its head and tail and estimate its length to be at least six feet. We then headed back to the first tank which was now vacant and had another good look over the tank and surrounding area, just off the tank stationary on the sea bed was the largest John Dory that I have ever seen, it had no fear of my presence and only raised its spines when I reached out.

At 14m to the sea bed, this is a cracking dive. Sorry I don’t have any pics but there are photos & videos on the net!