EGM called for 2nd March

Extraordinary General Meeting
Oxford Branch of the British Sub-Aqua Club

to be held at the Clubhouse on Friday 2nd March 2012 starting at 21:30

Agenda Items

  • Election of Treasurer
  • Election of Secretary (If post is vacated)
  • Proposal to change Branch Rules to allow Associate Group Membership
  • Naming of new branch Procharter P3 hard boat

Nomination forms for the posts of Treasurer and Secretary are available for download.

Proposed new Rule 3.4.3:

Associate Group Membership: This category is for groups or clubs that wish to use the facilities of the branch and allows all members of an associated group or club to have equivalent membership of the branch. 
This category of membership does not include taking part in any diving activities and further limitations to the facilities available to members may be imposed. This class of membership is to be given only at the discretion of the General Committee; a written application should be made to the General Committee.

For further information on the EGM please contact the Secretary.