Get Wrecked in Weymouth!

13th to 21st July


Join a week long expedition to Weymouth. A full week of wreck diving for all you wreck heads – plus scenic diving for those of you with less of an obsession.

The trip will run from the 13th to 21st July and is a great opportunity to dive some of the lesser known wrecks in and around Weymouth.

This trip is also being opened out to other clubs in the area, so it’s an opportunity to meet new divers as well as dive some new sites.

The Plan

To dive as many wrecks as possible within the range of Weymouth – we will be diving up to three times a day from our hard boat Endeavour.

Wrecks to include some of our old favourites like the Sky, M2, Sidon, James Fennel and Kyarra.

Plus some lesser dived sites and new wrecks including Binnedjik, Elena R, Frogner and the like.

For a bit of variety we will also be including drift/scenic diving and inevitable scallops dives.

So for the chance to dive less visited spots and enjoy scenic diving join our trip.

The boat will be out for the entire week so sign up for a couple of days of the whole trip.


Base for the week will be East Fleet Farm Touring Park – ideal location and outside of the school holidays – very budget friendly.

Contact the campsite on 01305 785768

For those who prefer to sleep in a real bed and sip G and T’s of an evening there are plenty of B and B’s in Weymouth for around £35/pn.

Boat costs

Standard Boat fees apply – unless we go outside our normal range (e.g. Salsette) for which an additional £5 surcharge will be included.

Exact dive sites will be planned closer to the time, depending on peoples preferences/the weather.

Grade and Dive Managing

Given we are now into summer, three dives are planned per day – of which at least two will be suitable for ALL GRADES. Some night dives are also planned.

Please let Stu Allen know if you have any specific requests for dive sites or are interested in organising a days diving.

Further Information

If you want to know anything more, then please talk to Stu Allen via email (click the link to send him a message).