Heinke Trophy 2012 – Oxford’s Entry

OxfordBSAC-Heinke-Trophy-2012Oxford BSAC put forward a submission detailing all the work done in the best interests of both branch members and BSAC overall. It was a busy year and so the submission ran to some 88 pages! The file can be downloaded by anyone using this link (ignore the warning about Google not being able to scan it for viruses – the file is fine): 
Click the “Download” button found on the following page: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B8C4idjXi1J1NU43YUpvQlE5d1E/edit?usp=sharing
(It is a quite large file – 32mb, so people need to be patient while it downloads if they don’t have a fast connection).
You can find out more about the Heinke Trophy here: http://www.bsac.com/page.asp?section=1817