We’ve won the Heinke Trophy!!

Oxford BSAC Chairman Andy White receiving the Heinke Trophy at the BSAC Diving Conference

It is official – Oxford BSAC have won BSAC’s award for the branch of the club which has done the most to further the interests of its members and the BSAC as a whole, The Heinke Trophy.

The judges singled out some major achievements during the year: the purchase of our new hardboat; replacement of our HP compressor; integration of a vibrant snorkelling division; our try-dive programme.

Phil Harrison, Heinke Adjudicator, congratulated Oxford on our achievement.

“As winners of the 2013 trophy, Oxford BSAC are fantastic example of members working together to create a club environment in which diverse range of diving and snorkelling activity can thrive. In BSAC’s 60th year, Oxford should be proud of their achievements which I hope will encourage other clubs to follow. I would like to encourage all branches to consider entering for 2014 Heinke Award.”

This award has made branch members very happy – it is vindication for a lot of patient work behind the scenes but mostly the result of a great group of people pulling together. Every member of the branch can be proud today – you have all played your part!

Read the full BSAC article here: Oxford win Heinke Trophy on BSAC.com

About the Heinke Trophy: http://www.bsac.com/page.asp?section=1817