Scapa Flow

Here are some photos from our trip to the Orkneys to dive Scapa Flow – one of the best places to dive in the World, and certainly within the UK.

There are several pages of images, or you can view a slideshow by clicking on the first one.

Please also read the trip report

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Isle of Mann

Here are some photos from our trip to the Isle of Man.

You can start a slideshow by clicking on any picture.

Please also read the trip report

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Here are some photos from our trip to dive Anglesey, Wales.

You can start a slideshow by clicking on any picture.

Please also read the trip report

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Burton Bradstock

Here are some photos from our training trip to Burton Bradstock, Dorset – part of the jurassic coast and a very nice place to visit!

There are several pages of images, or you can start a slideshow by clicking on any picture.

Please also read the trip report

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New Year’s Day

Here are some photos from our traditional New Year’s Day dive in Hinksey Lake, Oxford. Not renowned as a hotspot for divers (ahem), but there are the odd few items of interest, and some crayfish.

You can start a slideshow by clicking on any picture.

Please also read the dive report

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