
Here are some photos from our trip to Plymouth to dive the James Eagon Lane and the Scylla. This should have been a fantastic trip, but as those who dived will tell you the vis wasn’t so good on this occasion. If you think that was bad luck, spare a thought for me – I paid, travelled and then missed the diving in excrutiating pain (root canal trouble). Give me 1m vis over that any day!

You can start a slideshow by clicking on any picture.

Please also read the trip report

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Loch Fyne

Here are some photos from our trip to the Tarbert to dive Loch Fyne – home of the famous fish farms, and one or two scallops!

There are several pages of images, or you can start a slideshow by clicking on any picture.

Please also read the trip report

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Here are some photos from our trip to Castletown, Portland (Dorset) to give our boat Isis a bit of a spin.

You can start a slideshow by clicking on any picture.

Please also read the trip report

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Farne Islands

Here are some photos from our May trip to Seahouses to dive the Farne Islands – famous for its seals but with so much more to see as well.

You can start a slideshow by clicking on any picture.

Please also read the trip report

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Red Sea

Here are some photos from our January 2010 trip to Egypt to dive the Red Sea  – one of the best places to dive in the World. On this occasion members went with Blue O Two on a liveaboard, following the Northern Wrecks and Reefs tour.

You can start a slideshow by clicking on any picture.

Please also read the trip report

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Burton Bradstock Beach Training 2010

True Grit…..

On a perfect diving day we headed down to Burton Bradstock beach (Hive Beach) which is run by the National trust. Ten divers (John Beer, Kerrie, Ian, Courtney, John Blessing, Kevin, Chris, Grainne, Andy W and Howard) and one sunbather (Josh) set up camp on the beach just to the East of the cliffs that mark the more interesting seabed to the West end of the main beach. A nice set of Gabian cages formed a perfect kitting up bench there so we claimed them for ourselves.

The biggest problem on this day was basically keeping the damn grit out of our kit and suits. Just walking down to the water we found that grit got into wetsuit boots and fins. Once in the water which was nearly perfectly flat calm, we found very good vis – at least 8m in places. Dropping to the seabed there were a mixture of boulders and sandy seabed. Depth was not much more than 7m but lots of like about. We found cuttlefish, dogfish, lots of pipefish fry and several big crabs and lobsters. Depth being shallow we didn’t need to change tanks – Kerrie managed four dives on just two 12Ls. All in all in one day we managed 21 dives between 10 divers which was pretty good going. We kept going on coffee and buns from the beach cafe.

Note for future trips here – the carpark is £5.00 all day and you need change. The National trust run the place and wont let you take vehicles onto the beach so if you want boat cover you’ve got to lug them down there by hand or launch elsewhere and come in from the sea.

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