Scapa Flow

This gallery has some photos from our August 2011 dive trip to Scapa Flow aboard the excellent Radiant Queen charter boat. We were based in Stromness, Orkney (Scotland), doing two dives per day over two weeks.

You can also read the full report from our 2011 Scapa Flow dive trip.

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Portland Nov 2011

These photos are from our November (yes really) 2011 weekend diving out of Castletown, Portland, Dorset.

It was the first dive trip using the 7m RIB ‘Perseverance’ which we have overhauled for (and borrow from) from the 1st Standlake & Cokethorpe Sea Scouts. We launched from Castletown slipway and dived in and around the harbour. We also made it out around the Bill to the James Fennel. No underwater photos as the vis wasn’t so great, but it was lovely weather and a good run out for the boat, which was a decent dive platform and pleased us all.

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Garvellachs & Slate Isles

Here are some photos from our September 2011 trip to dive the West Scotland Slate Isles and the Garvellachs.

Although the first two days were blown out by the tail-end of hurricane Katia we did get three good days on an excellent boat with a highly knowledgeable skipper (full report to follow….)

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Lundy Island Snorkeling

Photo gallery from our trip to snorkel with seals around Lundy Island off the north Devon coast in October 2011.

You can also read the full report from our Lundy Island snorkeling trip.

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Lulworth Cove

On a beautiful Easter Saturday we took advantage of the calm sheltered conditions of Lulworth Cove to take some Ocean Diver trainees into the sea for the first time.

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Here are some photos from our weekend diving some of the wrecks around Portland. With 10m+ vis and lovely sunny warm weather this was a great weekend. The only downer was that away from Portland the vis was so poor we had to abort a dive on the Sidon before it even got started.

You can start a slideshow by clicking on any picture.

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Weymouth March

Gallery of photos from our March 2011 weekend diving around Weymouth on club hardboat Gemini. 

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Great Barrier Reef

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