A Lesson Learnt

Diving in the Garvellachs Islands of West Scotland can be recommended and be really enjoyed. However, with strong rapidly-changing currents in a mountainous sea bed terrain, one must not take anything for granted and should always be on guard for the unknown. One can teach from experience but experience can’t be bought – only experienced. I’d like to share the experience that my wife, Gill, and I have had in the hope that it may prove beneficial to other divers that may wish to learn from it.

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Diving the Garvellachs and Slate Isles 2011


Scotland, 10th-17th September


4/5 places available for qualified divers (BSAC Sports Diver or equilvalent)

Trip is advertised elsewhere – please contact Chris Stevens ASAP if you would like to come: 07808 774271

Fin the late summer dive season the seas around the west coast of Scotland boast some of the best diving conditions in the UK. Visibility is rarely less than 12m and marine life abounds. Basking sharks, Dolphin, Minke Wales and Seals are visitors at this time of year – spend a surface interval snorkelling with seals and porpoise and the time flies by.

The Garvellachs are a small group of Islands to the SW of Oban and are an area of outstanding natural beauty both above and below the water with exceptional water clarity. They experience some of the strongest tides in the UK making for very exciting drift diving and the wall dives have some amazing jewel anemone beds. They also have several large intact steamship era wrecks within a short distance (the Meldon, the SS Breda, the Shuna, the Benghazi, the Thesis, and even the Hispania may all be dived from here).

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