Oxford BSAC provides safety boats for Blenheim Palace Junior Regatta

Blenheim-Palace-Junior-RegaOn 11th June 2011, Blenheim Palace hosted the 2011 Junior Regatta. Oxford BSAC provided two of its boats and crew for the event. Both Isis, the small diving boat and Naiad, the Sport England Lottery grant funded snorkeling RIB were kept active throughout the day.

One boat was used to cover the starting line, while the second boat followed alongside each race in case any of the children fell overboard.

It is great to help out on days like these that would not be able to take place without safety cover. It also gave Oxford BSAC chance to have a stand at the busy event, meeting many people who already have an interest in water sports.

Thanks to Annie, our chief fundraiser who ran a treasure hunt offering a try-dive as first prize and a lolly game for the children.

Last summer Oxford BSAC helped out at a Multiple Sclerosis Pirate Day, where money was raised for the charity by people dressing up and walking the plank into the River Thames. Divers swept the river bed the day before for dangerous objects and provided safety boat cover on the day.

A big thank you to everyone who helped.

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The Isis Project

Its always been the aim of the club to provide a broad range of snorkeling and diving opportunities for the members. In 2010 to help with this goal we decided to purchase a second diving boat, to compliment the diving available from Gemini. We didn’t have a lot of  money to spend so a new RIB as usually used by BSAC clubs was pretty much out of the question.

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In 2010 we bought a new dive boat. A 17ft dory style hull with 60HP engine.oxford-divers-boat-isis-atsea

By midsummer she’d been used on 4 expeditions and we’d done over 120 dives from her. Capable of taking 6 divers with kit, with a top speed of 20 knots and a range of 20nm she’s proving to be an excellent addition to our dive platforms and has already opened up new dive sites for us.

Full information on ISIS is available on the Isis Project page.

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