Oxford BSAC provides safety boats for Blenheim Palace Junior Regatta

Blenheim-Palace-Junior-RegaOn 11th June 2011, Blenheim Palace hosted the 2011 Junior Regatta. Oxford BSAC provided two of its boats and crew for the event. Both Isis, the small diving boat and Naiad, the Sport England Lottery grant funded snorkeling RIB were kept active throughout the day.

One boat was used to cover the starting line, while the second boat followed alongside each race in case any of the children fell overboard.

It is great to help out on days like these that would not be able to take place without safety cover. It also gave Oxford BSAC chance to have a stand at the busy event, meeting many people who already have an interest in water sports.

Thanks to Annie, our chief fundraiser who ran a treasure hunt offering a try-dive as first prize and a lolly game for the children.

Last summer Oxford BSAC helped out at a Multiple Sclerosis Pirate Day, where money was raised for the charity by people dressing up and walking the plank into the River Thames. Divers swept the river bed the day before for dangerous objects and provided safety boat cover on the day.

A big thank you to everyone who helped.

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The latest addition to the club’s roster of boats is a brand new Humber 16ft RIB (Rigid Inflatable Boat), christened Naiad.

With a £10,000 grant awarded by Sport England to help the club advance snorkeling from the pool to open water, this boat promises exciting times ahead for snorkelers young and old.

Many thanks go to Debbie White, John Waterhouse and all those whose hard work means that the club’s snorkelers have such a bright future.

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Naiad and the Sport England Story

A year ago, Debbie White, who was the current snorkel officer together with John Waterhouse, now the club’s regional snorkel advisor and another couple of members, decided to further develop snorkelling within the branch, for existing and new members by expanding our instructor base and improving our open water snorkelling capabilities.

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