AGM – Friday 11 November 2011

Our Annual General Meeting will be held on Friday 11 November in the clubhouse. All members are encouraged to attend. There will be reports from current committee members, nominations/elections for committee positions for the coming year and a chance to ask questions.

Positions which we need to fill (due to resignations) are: treasurer, expeditions officer and secretary. Click here for a full list of positions/current holders/responsibilities on the website.

How to get elected/nominated

You can nominate yourself for any committee position – forms are behind the bar, please ask for one. Nominations must be seconded. If positions are contested the membership will vote.
N.B. The following positions are not elected by the members: Chairman (the outgoing committee selects the chairman for the coming year). Dive Officer (the incoming committee selects the DO for the coming year). Training/Pool Officers (the DO forms a training team, including appointing the Training Officer and Pool Officer).

If you require a proxy vote because you will be unable to attend please ask the secretary (currently Andy White following Henry’s resignation) for it now.