New Committee for 2012

Following our AGM on Friday 11 November 2011 we now have a new committee, made up of the following people: 


(None of the posts were contested, so the only vote taken was for Dive Personality of the Year – the result of which won’t be revealed until the Dinner and Dance in the new year).

Chairman: Andy White
Secretary: Andy Pickering
Treasurer: Courtney Boutwell
Records and Membership Officer: Howard Thomas
Equipment Officer: Phil Stubbs
Snorkel Officer: Debbie White
Boats Officer: John Waterhouse
Bar Officer: Gill Hallet
Fundraising Officer: Anne Billington
General Committee Members: Alex Gibson, Steven Litchfield.
Temporary Dive Officer: Nick Allsworth – the committee is meeting two candidates who have put themselves forward as DO and will make their decision about who to appoint by the end of the week.

Training Officer and Pool Officer will be appointed by the DO. Any remaining co-opted posts will be filled in good time as necessary.