2012 Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting
Oxford Branch (0034)
The British Sub Aqua Club
Will be held on Friday 16th November 2012 at 2115 Hours

The Purpose of the meeting is to receive reports of the clubs activities during the past twelve months, to approve the financial accounts and to deal with any other business relevant to an A.G.M.

In addition it is your opportunity to elect a new committee to serve you the members for the coming year. You may put yourself forward for any of the following positions provided that you are a full diving or full snorkeling member.
You will need a proposer and seconder.
Nomination forms for the following positions are available, behind the bar, and should be returned to the secretary, John Beer not later than Wednesday November 14th 2012
Diving Officer- Subject to constitutional change approval.
Boats Officer
Membership and Records Officer
Equipment Officer
Snorkel Diving officer
Two General Committee Members
Change to Branch Constitution
It has become known to the committee that Section5.1.2. The appointment of the Diving Officer is at variance with The National BSAC Constitution. It is therefore proposed subject to the membership approval that this be changed to bring it into line with national policy.
5.1.2 Currently states that.
The Diving Officer is appointed by the general committee following the Annual General Meeting or when necessary
It is proposed to change this to
The Diving Officer is to be elected at the Annual General Meeting or an Extra Ordinary General meeting when necessary.
John Beer
Branch Secretary