Coronation Wreck / Plymouth Trip

coronation-wreck-thDay 1 (29/10/11) – Coronation Wreck

The Coronation was a 90-gun Second Rate Ship in Line that was wrecked in 1691 off Penlee Point, Cornwall. There are two main areas of wreckage, the offshore and inshore site. Below is information I have taken from the Coronation Wreck Project website,

‘The offshore site comprises of rugged rock formations and sand-filled gullies. The site is in a general depth of 18 – 20m and has some kelp and low level vegetable turf covering the area. A large variety of marine life inhabits the site. The site has seventeen cannon and three anchors within it…

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Pembrokeshire 19th-21st August

pembrokeshire-august-1Diving from Isis out of Dale.

A quick weekend’s diving from the Western tip of South Wales. Plan is to dive from Dale just next to Haverfordwest. Trips out with 6 divers and 2 crew.

At time of writing, the B&B at Meadow Rue has 7 spaces for that weekend at £25 per night. They need £30 deposit per person for bookings. Otherwise for the hardy there’s camping. Rose, Kerrie and I will be staying in the Mongolian Yurt !

Their contact details are:

email: [email protected], telephone: 01437 783706, website:

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Scapa Flow 2011

Dive trip details

Dates: 31st July – 5th August

We are based in Stromness and once you get there, you will find the accommodation, dive boat within 100 yards of the ferry port. Its not that big a place. That might affect whether you want to put your car on the ferry etc… However we will need a couple of vehicles for sightseeing as Orkney is spectacular assuming I can drag any of you out of the pub!!

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