Speakers Night Proudly Present

Diving Incident and Safety Resource CentreOctober 13th: Diver Incident and Safety Resource Centre

Gareth Lock is the founder of Cognitas (cognitas.org.uk), an organisation promoting a “just culture” among divers and highlighting the need to encourage divers to report all incidents, however minor or innocuous they appear to be at the time.

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Speakers Night Proudly Present

October 13th: Diver Incident and Safety Resource Centre

Gareth Lock is the founder of Cognitas http://www.cognitas.org.uk/cognitas/Index.html, an organisation promoting a “just culture” among divers and highlighting the need to encourage divers to report all incidents, however minor or innocuous they appear to be at the time.

Gareth himself is a highly qualified diver and underwater photographer, and as well as running Cognitas in his spare time he also manages to hold down a very full time job as a serving officer in the RAF. His RAF background has seen him undertake Human Factors and Crew Resource Management training and apply that knowledge to both operational and training sorties as a supervisor of aircrew and equipment design through trials and development activity. He has drawn strongly from this and the lessons learned, applying them to diving.

Gareth’s talk gives a fascinating insight into the causal factors behind diving incidents and lessons we can learn to promote safer diving practices, thus hoping to prevent further incidents occurring. He uses a real life case study as a discussion point, leaving the participants thinking about dive planning and execution on an even deeper level.

Gareth’s talk gives a fascinating insight into the causal factors behind diving incidents and lessons we can learn to promote safer diving practices, thus hoping to prevent further incidents occurring. He uses a real life case study as a discussion point, leaving the participants thinking about dive planning and execution on an even deeper level.

The talk lasts 50mins and there will be plenty of opportunity for questions at the end.

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Coronation Wreck / Plymouth Trip

coronation-wreck-thDay 1 (29/10/11) – Coronation Wreck

The Coronation was a 90-gun Second Rate Ship in Line that was wrecked in 1691 off Penlee Point, Cornwall. There are two main areas of wreckage, the offshore and inshore site. Below is information I have taken from the Coronation Wreck Project website, http://www.coronationwreck.co.uk/index.html.

‘The offshore site comprises of rugged rock formations and sand-filled gullies. The site is in a general depth of 18 – 20m and has some kelp and low level vegetable turf covering the area. A large variety of marine life inhabits the site. The site has seventeen cannon and three anchors within it…

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A Lesson Learnt

Diving in the Garvellachs Islands of West Scotland can be recommended and be really enjoyed. However, with strong rapidly-changing currents in a mountainous sea bed terrain, one must not take anything for granted and should always be on guard for the unknown. One can teach from experience but experience can’t be bought – only experienced. I’d like to share the experience that my wife, Gill, and I have had in the hope that it may prove beneficial to other divers that may wish to learn from it.

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World Record Attempt

Volunteer Divers are being sought for a Guin­ness World Record™ Attempt for the ‘Most peo­ple scuba div­ing’.

The attempt will take place on the 24th Sept 2011 off Swanage beach in Dorset.

The current record for the most people scuba diving simultaneoulsy is 2,486 and was achieved in Malalayang beach, Manado (Indonesia), during an event organised by the Indonesian Navy, on 17 August 2009.

The aim of the event is to:

  • Raise Money for charity
  • Bring the record to the UK
  • Have a great time!
More information can be found here:
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