Alien Encounters in Cornwall

This Easter 2015 we headed down to cornwall to dive the beautiful wrecks and reefs there in clear (but cold) water. Nart, Stuart, Kerrie, Chris, Steve, Alex, Nick and Ritchie dived from the beach in Porthkerris, from the hardboat Celtic Kitten and from OUUEG’s RIB ‘Seahorse’. On one dive on the Volnay we found something a bit strange – Aliens infest our marine heritage !

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Wrecks East of Weymouth

9th June 2013

We only dived one day, but the weather was fine and I hope an enjoyable day was had by all.

Chris Stevens diving SS Treveal - picture by Anthony Hayes

Only managed to dive on two wrecks, the first, which was new to the branch was the SS Treveal, which hit the Kimmeridge Ledges and sank just outside Chapmans Pool.  As described, there is little left of this wreck, but a few people found the deck plates and some of the remaining structure.

A video of this dive by Chris Stevens and Anthony Hayes is available on our Facebook Page.

The second dive was one of our favorites, the Black Hawk in Warbarrow Bay, where the visibility was slightly better, the current was reduced and there are larger chunks of wreckage to be explored.

Many thanks to all who attended, especially Stu for skippering, Chris for assisting and cajoled scribes Rob & Anthony.

Logsheets of the dives are posted on the noticeboard at the club and are available on request.

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Isle of Wight (mini report) 2012

Memories from the week-long expedition’s Thursday diving:

Anjali (aka Jelly) and I paired up for another glorious day of diving in the Isle of Wight in tropical temperatures. We started in mid afternoon on the Sandown Bay drifting at about 8 metres over sand with rocks covered in fine fronds of seaweed and snakelock anenomes, like miniature gardens, populated by small fish. We drifted over a couple of velvet swimming crabs spoiling for a fight and uncovered a nursery of cuttlefish eggs clinging to a rock.

Our second dive in the early evening opposite the life boat station was a faster drift around 8 metres with a glimpse of a big ballan wrasse checking us out as the rocky scenery floated by and tiny gobies stood guard by their burrows in the sand and rock crevices. We came up to white topped waves-thank goodness for the easy access on our new boat!

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Scapa Flow 2011 Trip Report

The gun on the F2 - Scapa FlowJuly 24th – August 5th 2011

A two week stint in Scapa Flow is any British diver’s dream. Frequently suggested as the best diving the UK has to offer it should certainly be on your to-do list if you haven’t already been, and almost certainly on your ‘must return’ list if you’ve experienced it already.

Once you’ve recovered from the drive – from Oxford it takes about 11 hours + the ferry crossing to reach Stromness in Orkney, far north of Scotland. It really does make sense to fly, but only if you can get someone else to take your kit – excess dive baggage is apparently frequently discarded when planes are overweighted. The drive beyond Glasgow is quite scenic though, as is the ferry from Scrabster to Stromness, so that helps. It is certainly even better on the way south.

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Boat Handling Course Report


The Course

As the first stage to qualification for skippering the club boats the BSAC Boat Handler course is now being taught at Oxford BSAC. This equips trainees with the skills necessary to safely take charge of a vessel in open water. An additional 20 hours experience is required before then moving onto the Diver Cox’n (diver coxswain) course which then qualifies us to pick up divers and snorkelers. A bit of a palava, but it then means we are insured, which with an adventurous sport is a bit of a must.

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